Cobo Account

Cobo Account is the smart contract wallet in a Cobo Safe framework. Each Cobo Account contract should implement the Account interface as follows:

struct CallData {
    uint256 flag; // 0x1 delegate call, 0x0 call.
    address to;
    uint256 value;
    bytes data; // calldata
    bytes hint;
    bytes extra; // for future support: signatures etc.

struct TransactionResult {
    bool success; // Call status.
    bytes data; // Return/Revert data.
    bytes hint;

interface IAccount {
    function execTransaction(CallData calldata callData) external returns (TransactionResult memory result);

    function execTransactions(
        CallData[] calldata callDataList
    ) external returns (TransactionResult[] memory resultList);

    function getAccountAddress() external view returns (address account);

Developers can also derive smart contracts from the Cobo Account base contract to adapt to different underlying smart contract wallets (e.g., Safe).

A Delegate can call the execTransaction() function to send transactions. The execTransaction() function will invoke the Authorizer module to verify whether the Delegate is authorized to execute such transactions.

The getAccountAddress() function will return a wallet address where the funds are stored and where the transactions originated from.

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