Authorization Workflow

Each authorization requires a multisig transaction from Safe owner(s). As a result, only Safe onwer(s) can initiate an authorization. The following uses GMX-GLP-Authorization as an example.

Step 1: Click on "Authorize" on the investment console.

Step 2: Create a role and delegate DeFi permissions to the role.

  1. Create a role

If you have never created a role before, click on "Create Safe Role".

Enter a name for the role and select your team members' addresses. The delegated members can use these addresses to complete authorized DeFi operations using a single sig.

Click on "Confirm".

You have successfully created a new role!

  1. Delegate DeFi permissions to a role

Currently, GMX authorization supports two types of DeFi permissions.

  • GMX_LP: buy and sell $GLP

  • Claim: claim trading fee rewards on GMX

Click on the question mark icon to review the contract addresses and functions associated with each DeFi permission.

In the drop-down menu, select the role you just created to delegate DeFi permissions to the role.

Click on "Continue".

Step 3: Add token approval.

You need to add token approval as required by the DeFi protocol in the authorization. This ensures that selected tokens are approved for use within this authorization.

Step 4: Review and submit.

Click on "Previous" if you need to modify any information. Otherwise, click on "Submit".

Step 5: Complete a multisig transaction.

Inform Safe owner(s) to complete a multisig transaction on Safe.

Click on "Check the transaction" or head to Cobo Safe dApp to view the progress of this multisig transaction.

Step 6: The authorization will take effect once the multisig transaction from Safe owner(s) is completed.

Click on "OK" to return to the details page of the authorization.

Check the authorization details on the investment console.

Step 7: Inform delegated team member(s).

Delegated team member(s) can use WalletConnect on Cobo Argus V2 to complete their authorized DeFi operations using a single sig.

Do note that if the multisig transaction from Safe owner(s) failed to be executed on-chain, the authorization will not take effect.

In this case, you can head to Safe to view the transaction details or submit a new authorization on Cobo Argus V2.

Last updated