Create & Enable Cobo Safe Module

Step 1: Click on a Safe Wallet. Note that a multisig transaction from Safe owner(s) is required for creating a Cobo Safe Module.

Step 2: Confirm the Safe Wallet address and click on “Continue".

Step 3: In the extension window, connect your wallet and sign a message.

Step 4: Inform your Safe owner(s) to complete a multisig transaction.

Step 5: Safe owner(s) can click on “Execute” to complete the multisig transaction.

Step 6: Confirm the transaction details and network fees. Then, click on “Submit.”

Step 7: In the extension window, click on “Confirm” to complete the multisig transaction.

Step 8: Return to Safe to check if the transaction has been successfully executed on-chain.

Step 9: You have successfully created a Cobo Safe Module!

Step 10: Click on “Cobo Safe” on the left menu bar. You will be able to view your Cobo Safe Module address on Cobo Argus V2.

Last updated