Third Party Key Recovery

Use Case

If the MPC key share managed by your entrusted third party is lost, corrupted or compromised, a new set of three MPC key shares must be generated using the two MPC key shares managed by you and Cobo. The MPC root extended public key and all wallet/asset information will remain the same.


Your (i.e. the client) must have one TSS Node, which stores a MPC key share, that is active and has been configured on Cobo Custody Web.

How Does It Work

  • Confirm that your TSS Node is active and has been successfully configured on Cobo Custody Web

  • Wait for your entrusted third party to initialize a new TSS Node and then acquire its new Node ID

  • Head to "MPC TSS Node" on Cobo Custody Web and manually update your entrusted third party's Node ID to the latest one; please refer to the "Add TSS Node" section in "Web User Guide" for detailed instructions

  • Make sure that the MPC root extended public key on Cobo Custody Web is the same 1) as the one you've noted down prior and 2) the one displayed in the TSS Node log

  • Make sure that the latest group information is included in the database file under the current directory and the MPC root extended public key is the same as the one you've noted down prior

./ info group
  • Back up your new MPC key share

Last updated
