TSS Node Command Lines

Init: initialize the TSS Node

sudo ./tss-node.sh init

You’ll be able to initialize the TSS Node and create a database file. The execution will fail if the database file already exists. For more information, please refer to "TSS Node Initialization."

Info: view the information

sudo ./tss-node.sh info

You can review information associated with the TSS Node:

  • Node ID

  • Callback server’s RSA public key

Output example:

$ sudo ./tss-node.sh info
Container started: 5c3819f6bf9425312ad5fe9561a9d8a4ae7145e05f73b3998a3a8112d7056653
Wait a few seconds ..
INFO[2022-12-14T09:12:11Z] Node ID: coboXNCDGc4eWaWYTbbgH3Q5jmNNRpZzVatRXyanYeC2XjkJb
INFO[2022-12-14T09:12:11Z] Callback public key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Info group: view the group information

sudo ./tss-node.sh info group [group_id]

What is a group?

Each group is composed of three TSS Nodes. In other words, each group manages the three MPC key shares associated with a MPC root extended private key. Do note that the root extended private key will not be materialized in any single location.

If a TSS Node manages the MPC key shares for different MPC root extended private keys, it will then belong to multiple groups simultaneously.

You can use the info group command to query the following group information:




Group ID


Unique identifier of each group

Created Time

2023-01-11 14:36:42.179778596 +0000 UTC

Creation time of the group

Root Extended Public Key


MPC root extended public key corresponding to the MPC key shares under the current group



ChainCode corresponds to the MPC root extended public key; hexadecimal

Share ID


Share ID of a MPC key share; decimal

Share Public Key


Public key corresponds to the MPC key share; default: compressed public key; hexadecimal



Type: 1 represents ECDSA, and 2 represents EdDSA



Supported signature algorithm



Minimum number of MPC key shares required for each transaction signing

Local Node ID


Node ID of the locally stored TSS Node

Other Node IDs

[coboA1B2C3D4, coboA2B3C4D5]

Node IDs of the TSS Nodes managed by other parties



Total number of MPC key shares, Node IDs, MPC key share IDs, MPC key share public keys

Start: start up the TSS Node

sudo ./tss-node.sh start

The cobo-tss-node will start to run. For more information, please refer to “TSS Node Startup.”

Version: query the version

sudo ./tss-node.sh version

You can check the version of the TSS Node.

Status: check the running states

sudo ./tss-node.sh status

Output example:

$ sudo ./tss-node.sh status
Checking docker engine ... OK, version: 19.03.6
Checking container image ... OK, id: sha256:4ff66478be3f193293fbaf85ce764734dab14eff002699636d1329a16f1ce57b

Recent logs from TSS-node daemon container cefc3335c10b (Running)
INFO[2022-12-14T09:00:37Z] Failed to register service: invalid TSS Node, please initial TSS Node in Cobo Custody Web first
INFO[2022-12-14T09:00:52Z] Start to register service
INFO[2022-12-14T09:00:52Z] Failed to register service: invalid TSS Node, please initial TSS Node in Cobo Custody Web first
INFO[2022-12-14T09:01:07Z] Start to register service
INFO[2022-12-14T09:01:07Z] Failed to register service: invalid TSS Node, please initial TSS Node in Cobo Custody Web first

Execution workflow:

  • Check whether the Docker Engine has been successfully installed and whether the client has been granted permissions

  • Check whether the SGX driver is running (applicable to a SGX-ready version)

  • Check whether the container image has been built

  • Check whether any container has an error

  • Check the TSS Node container that is currently running and output the latest five logs

Log: view container logs

sudo ./tss-node.sh log

The container logs will be displayed. To view more, please access the complete log files in the logs/folder.

Stop: stop the TSS Node

sudo ./tss-node.sh stop

The TSS Node will no longer run on the backend.

Last updated
