Me (Team Members)
You (i.e. team member) can head to “Me” under “Settings” on Cobo Custody Web to modify your password / 2FA, bind / reset Cobo Auth, and customize an anti-phishing code.
You can reset your 2FA (i.e. Google Authenticator) if your password is still accessible, and vice versa. If you lost access to both your password and the 2FA, please contact your organization’s admin for account reset.
You cannot modify your name nor email address on Cobo Custody Web.
If you want to update your name, please contact the admin.
If you want to update your email address, please contact the admin to delete your current account and use your new email address for account activation.
You need to enter a 2FA verification code (i.e. Google Authenticator) when you bind Cobo Auth for the first time. Once completed, you will be prompted to bind your Cobo Auth. Please click on the “+” button on your Cobo Auth and use it to scan the QR code on Cobo Custody Web. Once done, your Cobo Auth will take effect after the 24-hour protection period.
To bind a new Cobo Auth, you will need to use your current Cobo Auth to approve the request first, and then inform your admin to approve the request on its Cobo Auth as well. Once approved, your new Cobo Auth will take effect after the 24-hour protection period.
If you no longer have access to your current Cobo Auth, please contact your organization’s admin directly to reset it.
Note: when you bind / reset a Cobo Auth for the first time, it will enter a protection period of 24 hours. Your Cobo Auth cannot be used during this period. In these cases, please do not submit requests (e.g. withdrawals) immediately. For urgent requests, please contact Cobo’s customer support directly.
On Cobo Custody Web, you can switch to the “Preference” tab under “Me” to update your preferred language and unit of measurement.
Last updated