Callback Server Requirements
The callback server is an HTTP server that supports the following endpoints:
Encoded with x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP Request Parsing
The TSS Node will follow the steps below to send the HTTP request:
Generate CallbackRequest
Serialize CallbackRequest to derive CallbackRequestJsonString
Use CallbackRequestJsonString as the JWT payload and sign it using its RSA private key to create a JWT
Submit the HTTP POST request via an HTML form with TSS_JWT_MSG as the key and JWT as the value
The callback server will follow the steps below once it receives the HTTP request:
Retrieve the data in the HTTP POST request using TSS_JWT_MSG as the key and the JWT as the value
Use the TSS Node’s RSA public key to validate the signed JWT
Retrieve the payload in the JWT and deserialize it using CallbackRequest
Deserialize the meta field to retrieve the information in the request
Risk Control
You'll need to perform a risk control for each CallbackRequest based on your organization’s business and security requirements to further validate the request.
HTTP Response
The callback server will send the HTTP response as follows:
Generate CallbackResponse
Serialize CallbackResponse to derive CallbackResponseJsonString
Use CallbackResponseJsonString as the JWT payload and sign it using its RSA private key to create a JWT
Use the JWT as the HTTP response and return it to the TSS Node
CallbackRequest Description
When request_type == TypeKeyGen, request_detail is as follows:
When request_type == TypeKeySign, request_detail is as follows:
When request_type == TypeKeyReshare, request_detail is as follows:
CallbackResponse Description
Note: If the TSS Node fails to receive the HTTP response, it will continue to send requests to the callback server. In such cases, when the maximum number of retries is reached, the response will be categorized as REJECT.
Last updated